85Mm blog

The ramblings of a Los Angeles photographer.

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The Lull
Ashwin Mitchell Ashwin Mitchell

The Lull

Picture this, you’ve been photographing for a while now and things are starting to change. At first, it was new and exciting, you felt like you were learning a lot, growing a lot. Every picture seemed to be magical no matter what you did. It was like eye candy all over the place. You couldn’t believe those photos came out of your hands. Then, after a while, the magic of the images fades away. The images that once seemed impossible to take, become the new standard for every picture you take. One great photo just isn’t enough. Was it even a great photo to begin with? Or were you just enamored with how much progress you made?

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Sex, Drugs, and Escapism: Previewing the Kiss Land Collection
Ashwin Mitchell Ashwin Mitchell

Sex, Drugs, and Escapism: Previewing the Kiss Land Collection

This is my all-time favorite album. I’ve been listening to it for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been dying to do a photoshoot themed around it for a couple of years now. As I began my new direction, Kiss Land was immediately the first thing I wanted to use as my inspiration. So for this week, I just want to talk about the inspiration behind just a couple of the images in the collection. As a baseline, I’ve created one still frame for each song on the album, so let’s talk about 3 of them.

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A Letter to Beginners
Ashwin Mitchell Ashwin Mitchell

A Letter to Beginners

There’s so much to think about when you’re just starting out and it is daunting trying to figure out what information is actually relevant for you and what is just bullshit noise. I want to go beneath the surface and talk about things that would’ve been helpful for me when I started. So here’s to you Marcus. Things I wish I knew when I was in your position.

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50mm, The best-worst focal length
Ashwin Mitchell Ashwin Mitchell

50mm, The best-worst focal length

Picture this, you’re a new photographer and after you’ve got your camera and kit lens, you're looking for the next best lens to level up your photography. You look online and see what everyone recommends. One thing pops up repeatedly: nifty-fifty, nifty-fifty, nifty-fifty. It’s everywhere.

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